Chao Phraya River and Grand Palace

We rode the Chao Phraya Tourist Boat for THB 30.00 each (single trip only). Get off at Maharaj Pier (N9) for our Grand Palace Tour. Taxi wasn't an option because we wanted to experience the river trip.

Wat Arun - The Temple of Dawn taken from the boat.

The Grand Palace is a place that shimmers.  It's dazzling and spectacular because of its intricate design. Looking through the walls of the Palace, you'll immediately know that so much hard work has been put through to make the beautiful Architecture.  I salute the wonderful craftsmanship of the Thai people.

Entrance ticket price: THB 400.00. This includes entry to Vimanmek Palace and Abhisek Dusit Throne Hall.

My curiosity got me bad, really bad.  I wondered why everybody was heading to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha (Wat Phra Kaew). I asked "C" and her mom if we can go and check it out but then both totally hesitated because you have to remove your footwear before you can climb the stairs. So, I plead then after sometime they agreed. Heck! We're already there why not make the most out of it.

When we were seated inside the temple I can't seem to get comfortable. Something smells silly, like a dead rat. Then I looked around, and it dawned on me. Feet, feet and feet everywhere! Oh my Buddha! How can you stand the smell?! I almost hurled and clamoured for fresh air. It was so embarrassing considering I literally dragged "C" and her mom just to feed my curiosity.

Trust your instincts; it's there for a reason. Somehow, mine totally failed me that time. Let's just charged that to my bank of experience. =)

This replica of Cambodia's Angkor Wat amazes me. It was built in the time of King Rama IV and it's so detailed.

After that mixed emotions tour, we were hungry. There are some restaurants across the entrance of the Palace. We ordered mixed seafoods rice and chicken basil. That at the right image is coke.

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