At LCCT going back to Manila. Unfortunately, a storm welcomed us that day. In which, that will be another story. Reality bites in the Philippines, Argh!

KL Malls, KFC, Wire Art and Chocolates

Last minute mall hopping, shopping, and eating ^^.

We had lunch at KFC, Sungei Wang Mall. Snack Plate (2 pcs Chicken, 1 Bun, Coleslaw and Whipped Potato) for 8.30RM (Php 119.44). Thumbs up to the Cheezy Wedges! It’s to die for and only 3.95RM (Php 56.84). Too bad we don’t have it on the menu here in the Philippines.

Wire art at Jalan Alor. I was eyeing on the Saxophone but couldn’t figure what to do with it.

We bought most of the chocolates from Giant Supermarket in Sungei Wang Mall. It is slightly cheaper there than in Cold Storage. 

Central Market, Merdeka Square, Aquaria and Petronas Twin Tower

Central Market, though old (1888), is well maintained both in interior and exterior. Comfort rooms are clean but you need to pay. You can find lots of souvenir items here. Don’t just grab the first one you see. Scout for the cheap bargain. By the way, some of the sales personnel know some Tagalog words so be mindful of what you say.

We went to Petalling Street but I personally didn’t find the place interesting. It was still early and most of the stores were not yet open but then I noticed that it was no different to Divisoria. Knock-offs is all over the place and why would I travel thousands of miles just to buy those stuff?

I’m still mesmerized on what we ate at Old Town White Coffee inside Central Market. I ordered the Prawn Meehoon – Mee and requested the attendant to keep it mild. I don’t wanna spoil the experience just because I sometimes suffer from hyperacidity. “C” got the Nasi Lemak. Yum!

By the way, I got the bill at the cashier and paid there too. The server will not entertain your payment. Great idea to prevent curruption but inconvenient to those who are lazy. ;-)

Merdeka Square also known as Independence Square or Dataran Merdeka is an interesting place. Great architecture!


Aquaria at KLCC was an alternative to our Malacca trip. We bought our tickets for 45RM each. It was okay but I wouldn’t give it a second go. I haven’t been to the Manila Ocean Park so I can’t tell the difference. Anyway, I’m not really into the water experience but I did enjoy watching the jellies. Sweet!

An amazing sight to behold! When we were up there at the Skybridge, something was missing. Finally, I figured it out. It’s right in front on me. That the best things in life are free.

Genting Highlands

Transportation in Malaysia is such a breeze. You can’t get lost. Signs and directions are always helpful. These are pictures taken at Raja Chulan Monorail Station and while inside the RapidKL.

Around 7:30 am, we arrived at Terminal Putra and immediately head to the ticketing booth of Genting Highlands. At 8:00 am, the booth opened. The original plan was to grab the Go Genting tickets and go to Batu Caves. While we were in line, we meet a fellow Filipino whose husband is working in Malaysia for the past 5 years. I mentioned to her that we’re going to Batu Caves first before Genting Highlands. She then told us never did it enter her mind to visit that place because she was warned. Her response intrigued my curiosity. I asked her why? Stories have been told regarding Batu Caves. That misfortune happened to people after going there. Some lost their job, children gets sick all the time and so forth. The supervisor at the ticketing office was late that day pending the release of our 9:30 am tickets. Call that a blessing in disguise? I don’t know but true or not, we didn’t push through with our plan.

Batu Caves embodies mystery like all caves do. There are elements I may never understand and you can call me coward but I’m not ready for that. I’m not in the position to judge the ways of the Hindu but I leave that place up to them. It’s their sacred ground.

Off to Genting Highlands. This experience is worth to remember. Probably because it was our first time to ride a cable car. I thought it would make “C” uncomfortable. Of course, I was a bit sacred myself but never did I show it to her nor gave a hint. Boy! That would be a panic mode for “C”. If she only knew. 

We decided to have the buffet at the Coffee Terrace instead of the Outdoor Theme Park because it was so cold outside and we were wearing shorts. Albeit I failed to take pictures of what we had for our main meal because we were too hungry and excited to try their sumptuous cuisine, I took the liberty of taking a snapshot at their desserts. After which, I got to taste everything. Desserts Galore!

Genting Highlands = FUN.


I heard many great things about Nando’s so we had our lunch there. “C” loved their food which made me happy because she’s not the easiest person to convince and try something new. After which, we head back to RBB to drop off the tumblers and mugs that “C” bought, add-ons to her collection.

We rested for a bit then went to Pavilion and took some pictures.


After the vague Skybridge experience we went to Suria KLCC. “C” collects anything Starbucks so we headed to one at the Ramlee Mall.

Petronas Twin Tower

Woke up at 4:00 am because we were excited to go and see the majestic Petronas Twin Tower. Long queue starts early so we had to hurry. Since its location is just near RBB we opt to take a walk going there. Kinda nice because we got to explore a bit of Jalan Sultan Ismail and exercise at the same time.

KLCC is huge so we had to ask around on where we could find the main entrance of the tower. When we got there we saw some people outside so we entered the building, turned left, and arrived at the entrance going to the concourse level at 5:55 am. I was surprised that no one was there so I got puzzled. Does this mean we’re the 1st in line? Oh yeah! While waiting, we took some pictures and suddenly a woman approached us told us that there are people outside who arrived ahead of us. Seriously?! Was there a rule to queue outside? That just burst my bubble. We said “Okay, no problem”. She then talked to a personnel in the building in thier dialect. I find that rude! For the obvious reason that we don’t understand what she was telling the guy. We had no idea that those people outside are in line for the tickets to the Skybridge as well. But then, on my rules in travelling: Never argue with the local. So we let that one go. 

Turned out, she was the first in line. What a bragging right to lose ^^. By the way, our supposedly number 1 ended with 28. The booth opened at exactly 8:30 am. We get to choose our viewing time so we got the 9:00 am schedule.

When we were at the Skybridge, I had this feeling that I can’t explain.  That anticipated surreal moment wasn’t present. Something was missing. The 10 minutes viewing time came too fast (1RM for every 1 minute) and we had to go down because a new batch was on schedule. There was nothing fancy being up there (41st floor). My office is located at the 36th floor. So, what difference does that make? **thinking** Nevertheless, I was there.

That unidentified feeling resulted to us not going to KL Tower.

Jalan Alor

I love food but 2 years back during our Singapore trip, I never really got to enjoy their cuisine. Which is absurd, right? Malaysia and Singapore have the same gastronomic delight. Might be the lack of knowledge on whether what to order back then but Malaysia, OMG! I’ll travel thousands of miles anytime just to be able to savor their cuisine. Everything was delicious. You can never go wrong that’s why I say -- MALAYSIA, I’m completely taken!


Rainforest Bed and Breakfast

We stayed at Rainforest Bed and Breakfast (RBB) while we were in Kuala Lumpur. The place is unique and just a walking distance to the Golden Triangle (Jalan Raja Chulan, Jalan Imbi, and Jalan Sultan Ismail streets) which is awesome because we saved time and money.

Our reservation included breakfast from 7:30 am – 10:00 am everyday but we missed it for the first 2 days because we left early. Beverages can be put inside their fridge at the guest kitchenette. Just make sure to label with your name or room number.

Wi-Fi is free. Unfortunately, access at the 1st floor is limited. Come to think of it, I never cared to ask why. Now I wonder. By the way, they have an award for “Best Staff” September 2009 and February 2010 which is so true because they’re polite and accommodating.

Our room was great. It was clean and cozy. The only downside is that the walls are thin. There were times when we heard noises coming from the hallway but due to all day walking it didn’t bother me much. I also need to mention that our room doesn’t have windows. I think that’s the same case for all rooms at the 1st and 2nd floor. This might be a bummer for some as you don’t know whether its night or day. Might cause you to over sleep and ruin your itinerary. But for me, it was great because I don’t sleep well with lights on or the sun shining on my face. One more thing, thanks to their comfy bed, I slept like a baby ^^.  Gave me the rest I needed to face the next day’s challenge.

You can also use their PCs located near the reading lounge to update your social network or check bookings, etc.

Verdict: Highly recommended, totally on top of my list.