Petronas Twin Tower

Woke up at 4:00 am because we were excited to go and see the majestic Petronas Twin Tower. Long queue starts early so we had to hurry. Since its location is just near RBB we opt to take a walk going there. Kinda nice because we got to explore a bit of Jalan Sultan Ismail and exercise at the same time.

KLCC is huge so we had to ask around on where we could find the main entrance of the tower. When we got there we saw some people outside so we entered the building, turned left, and arrived at the entrance going to the concourse level at 5:55 am. I was surprised that no one was there so I got puzzled. Does this mean we’re the 1st in line? Oh yeah! While waiting, we took some pictures and suddenly a woman approached us told us that there are people outside who arrived ahead of us. Seriously?! Was there a rule to queue outside? That just burst my bubble. We said “Okay, no problem”. She then talked to a personnel in the building in thier dialect. I find that rude! For the obvious reason that we don’t understand what she was telling the guy. We had no idea that those people outside are in line for the tickets to the Skybridge as well. But then, on my rules in travelling: Never argue with the local. So we let that one go. 

Turned out, she was the first in line. What a bragging right to lose ^^. By the way, our supposedly number 1 ended with 28. The booth opened at exactly 8:30 am. We get to choose our viewing time so we got the 9:00 am schedule.

When we were at the Skybridge, I had this feeling that I can’t explain.  That anticipated surreal moment wasn’t present. Something was missing. The 10 minutes viewing time came too fast (1RM for every 1 minute) and we had to go down because a new batch was on schedule. There was nothing fancy being up there (41st floor). My office is located at the 36th floor. So, what difference does that make? **thinking** Nevertheless, I was there.

That unidentified feeling resulted to us not going to KL Tower.

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